Let’s talk about gas! No not the kind that we fuel our cars with but the kind that our body creates. While most of us experience gas, I am going to talk more specifically about gas during pregnancy, because yes, pregnant women too experience gas and some of us more […]
17 Inspirational Quotes for Your Health Journey
These 17 quotes have been instrumental in helping me in my health journey and I hope they help inspire you in your own health journey.
How Eating Clean Whole Foods Gave Me My Life Back
Writing your own personal story is not an easy task, especially when you are sharing it with the world, but I wanted to be able to share with you my journey to health because I have been where you are and I know the challenges people face when trying to […]
Understanding Heart Disease: The Correlation Between Hypertension and Insulin Resistance
Studies have shown there is a direct correlation between hypertension or what we call high blood pressure and insulin resistance which can lead to diabetes. Patients who have both hypertension and diabetes double their risk for cardiovascular disease. And patients with diabetes often have unhealthy cholesterol levels. While there are […]
Plant-based Proteins
One of the things that I found fascinating as I was studying to be a health coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute was about the science behind protein. Did you know that protein is a part of every cell in our body? The protein in the foods we eat […]
11 Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget
I hear this all the time. “Eating healthy is too expensive.” As a mom of two teenage boys I know that it is important that I provide our growing boys with healthy food options while staying on budget. Since going Plant-based earlier this year, I have been focusing on bringing […]