17 Inspirational Quotes for Your Health Journey
I love a good quote.
Especially one that inspires me in my health journey. It does not need to be a Monday for me to enjoy a quote to help inspire my day or week.
There are so many good quotes out there that have been instrumental in helping me on a daily basis in both my personal and professional life and I hope they help inspire you in your journey.

There is no question we rise by lifting others.
I actually took this picture of a sign that was for sale at a wine tour that I was on with my mom in 2019. It was actually the first wine tour I ever took.
And in all honesty, I am not a huge fan of wine. I know. I am that person who actually has never found the taste of wine something that I enjoy. But that does not mean I cannot go on a wine tour and enjoy all the beauty there is to see at a vineyard.
Especially if it meant I got to have a special day with my mom and get inspired along the way.
It is such a great reminder of places where we can find inspiration and hope.
Who would have ever thought, one of the best quotes I would ever come across would be sitting on a shelf in a wine tasting room?

Water Does a Body Good
So, this quote might be short and simple, it has such powerful words behind it. I cannot tell you how many times I forgot to get in my water intake for the day. This quote reminded me of the importance of getting in my water for the day.
Water truly does a body good and is such an essential nutrient we can all benefit from.
My go-to water is Kangen water from The Kangen Water Store for its health benefits.
There is just something about knowing that the water I am drinking is helping me reach my goals.

And you ask “what if I fall?” Oh, but darling, “what if you fly?”
This quote right here is one that has been instrumental in reminding me that every time I fall down is just another stepping stone in helping me fly.
The beauty of quotes like this is that it can have a different meaning for each of us. And is such a great reminder that there are times we are afraid to do something in fear of falling, but there is also the possibility that we will soar.

Each day is a new day to rock it!
I created this graphic a while back and posted it on my personal Facebook page. It serves as a reminder that each and every day is a new day to show the world that you are awesome. No matter what happened the day before, today is a new day to rock it.

Your story needs to be shared, even if one personal hears it, it still needs to be shared.
Before Clean Food Mama was born, I started sharing my story in a my private Facebook Group.
The thing that inspired me to start blogging was the ability to share the things I have learned in my own health journey. And knowing that sharing one day my story will become someone else’s survival guide.
Know that your story too will someday be that for someone else even if it is one person, that person will be grateful you shared your story.

Set a goal so big that you cannot achieve it until you grow into the person who can.
As a woman-owned business I have admired Sara Blakely for years.
She inspires me to achieve my goals. When I first heard this quote, I was honestly taken back. I mean what is wrong with me that the person I am now is not enough? Then I re-read the quote and got a whole new perspective.
It is not that the person I am now is not enough, it is that in order for me to achieve my dreams and goals, I need to continue growing. No matter how big your goals are, there is always room for you to grow.

Health is a mindset
Re-read that again!
Health is a Mindset!
This is something that I believe whole-heartedly in. Health is truly a mindset. Over the years, I have learned that if I want to achieve my health goals, I have to get in a mindset that health is the goal.

You need someone who will champion your growth in your organization and in life.
I came across Dave Hollis about 2 years ago. I was drawn to his ability to share his struggles and wins without apologizing and in turn use it to help inspire others. There is no question that you need someone who will champion your growth in your organization and in your life.
Surround yourself with people that cheer you on not on those that don’t support you.
I love reading books and capturing quotes from them to help me through my own struggles. One thing that I do is take those quotes and write them down. I write them down on a post-it-note and post them in my office, bathroom, or anywhere I need inspiration. Where is your favorite place to post inspirational quotes in your house?

Words can inspire, thoughts can provoke, but only actions truly brings you closer to your dreams.
I love this quote. But what I love about it is that each of the lines of this quote are all part of the steps you need to get closer to your achieving your dreams and goals.
The greatest thing I love about inspiring quotes is that it sometimes is not just one quote that inspires you, but a collection of quotes that can come together to give you the words to inspire you to take action.

You won’t and can’t please everyone, so stop trying.
This is another quote that I wrote and posted on my Facebook page to remind myself a recovering people pleaser is that I won’t and can’t please everyone. I need to stop trying and the only person we are responsible for making happy is ourselves.

Fail Early. Fail Often. Fail Forward.
When I found this quote from Will Smith, I felt it gave me the permission to fail. I mean I never really needed anyone’s permission, expect my own, but it reminded me that failing is all part of the process.
So, if you to need a reminder that it is okay to fail, remember you should do it early, often, and always forward.

Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish your body.
I do not know the author of this quote, but it is a great reminder that every time we eat, it is an opportunity to nourish our bodies. One of the mantras that I live by is Food is Fuel. I live everyday trying to ensure that the food choices I made help fuel my body.

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.
This quote reminds me that how important it is that being of value to someone is important. It has and will always be important to me that I bring you value whether it is in telling my personal health journey or the recipes on the blog.
My goal is to help inspire you in your own health journey.

Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.
A great quote from Amy Collette and is a great reminder that how important it is to practice gratitude every day and how it can be helpful in creating happiness in your life.
One thing that I have found that has helped me is writing down at least 5 things that I am grateful for each day. What it has shown me is there are so many things to be grateful for, I just have to look around me.
What is something that you are grateful for today?

If you want to be happy set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.
I picked up this book a while back called
”But what if you fly?” I need to put this in my office!
Yes! I so agree. It is such a great quote.